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It was one dark night in1673’s autumn, the artist Giovanni was painting for the church ceiling. Embracing with the loneliness and staring at his art piece for quite a moment, he was exhausted, so he decided to take a rest and lean against the corner of wall. Meanwhile, he was carelessly injured his finger by a nail which a worker has mistakenly forgot to remove in the morning. However, Giovanni was too tired to be aware that. When a bead of sweat slipped down from his eyebrow, he unexpectedly splashed some of his bloods on a painting from wiping his sweat. His blood was sprinkle 13 meters away and it coincidentally covered with a devil who was expelled from heaven in that painting. After that, Giovanni started to pack his stuff and about to call it a day, in the meantime, he didn’t notice there is something wrong. When the light was out, something quietly happened within the painting.

The devil from the painting has reacted from Giovanni’s blood, meanwhile, he gradually transformed Giovanni blood into human skin that covered his soul, and make his way back the world of men. However, the amount of blood is not enough to maintain a infinite stage of protective coloration, unless he dismembers and blends female’s heart with several ingredients into a remedy and drink them all. Soon, he became the dark knight, and took advantage of his charm to fool around people, and also praised by the general public. In order to maintain the devil’s skin condition, he must constantly take his remedy and be under the shade to prevent his skin color from being exposed.

The king of night, crush my heart since you don’t need it !
Mars <The God of War>, I understand all my pain and suffering were inflicted by the love that you were given.
Faun, my springtime, you are the king bring us alive.

- Concept :
Since ancient times, Patriarchalism has strict requirements to preserve females’ chastity, purity,and loyalty, but these set of rules have never been applied on masculine. Even in our modern society, women who are engaged to dissolute lifestyle would be despised by the general public, but on the other hand, when men are engaging with dissipated lifestyle, the general public would somehow agrees that it is more permissible. By comparing the The God of lust-Pan and the Assumption of Mary demonstrated the merit of chastity. The Assumption of Mary perhaps is the most significant and profounding story of women's equal right movement, but the sarcastic part is that Mary preserves chastity and makes her became immortal, which the story itself has unconsciously approved the idea of sexism.

In 500 BC, there is ritual that everyone would have sexual intercourse on a muddy beach, and which this is how Pan came to this world, in the mud. Pan had a shyly personality, perhaps due to his monstrous looking horn that grew on his hand. Even though he is not very sociable, but he has a special power that can makes all the creatures on earth in fear within just a second. One afternoon, Pam slowly crawl out from a empty barrel, and burped loudly from the alcohol that he has just finished from the barrel. The smell of alcohol has covered up every flowers around the area, and it gradually withered them. Even though Pan was wasted, he was angry about the destruction that he has inflicted me. He insisted and forced the flower to put forth their next blossoms, and also spitting onto the flower buds for the purpose of healing. The tears from the flower has blend with Pan’s magical spitted, and fruits began to grow on different plants. When Pan witnessed this phenomenon, he hided his shyness and fear, and established his arrogant behavior from this point. Therefrom, he declared himself to be the God of mother nature, by using the mean of nourishment and breeding, to covered the true end, which is sexual desire.


Standing beyond the shoreline and strum on to the kisses that were from hell.
Praising and celebrating for the mother nature before the rainy day.
Under the captivity of desires, you found yourself waking up in the lala land.
You never were an evil, yet you are the only love that has always belongs to my heart.

Symbol items: Violet blue, desire, an afternoon in the lovely spring 


Love, Hatred, and Humanity -Trinity

- Graduation -

- The image of Deity - Extreme love, blindness, love with a trace of sadness and remorse,
I deliberately advocated the male power to the extreme and the center of mind, singing and singing, praising their actions and allusions.

- Via Dolorosa - Extreme hatred, seething hatred and the revitalization that comes with enormous amount of suffering. I expressly deemed patriarchy as a sin, and they shall be punished by the extreme punitive measures. < Return to the Uterus, Be born, Abortion, Accouchement >
By this fictitious set of process, every men would have to endure and undergone the pain of being an women which is not closely comparable to the experience of death.

- Executioner - Equilibrium is my definition of justice, and also the embodiment of my principle of right action.

Only can be encountering at night,
Only have six seconds delight.
If Romeo was stained by blood,
Our Juliet might never wake up.
In order to mourn my ego dead,
I’d sacrificed my soul to you.

Symbolic items: dull black, fresh blood, and midnight

- Concept : 
From the beginning of the famous Hollywood movie “Interview with the Vampire”, Vampire has been labeled to handsome, cold, sexy look, not to mention some of them have became an Idol for all of our teenagers. In reality, Vampires are indeed all around in our society, in other words, they are the petty thief of heart who are equally dangerous as a Vampire but also charming. They take advantage of girl’s purity and fool with girls affection. I make a connect between this story and our society, I depicted people who would be so called “players” as a saint figure which they are subject to be given some degree of theocratic power, and the purpose of this reflection is to point out the rationalization trend of cheating and polygamy in our modern society. In the end, the vampires was holding a genuine heart in his hand, but perhaps the size wasn’t very sizable, and it didn’t catch his attention.

The innate of wars
It is about the bloody wedding that take place in March.
Infinite suffering is the best benediction for Mars.
Dedicated my life to become a blaze of bright colors in your hand.
Don’t cry for me,
for some reason I just can’t hide my feeling, but I’m flattered.

Symbol items: Bloody Red, Battle Steed, Twilight

When the horn sounded was flowing around the twilight, Mars, The God of War, riding on his carriage toward Troy's defensive line. He soulfully stared at Helen, the well establishment of the ultimate beauty, Achilles was on the decline, and incapable of taking anything with him during the retreated. Mars would indeed take over every possession that belongs to the Achilles, not only Troy, but also Helen. The God of War has overcome every barrier that he has encountered throughout the battle, Strength and power are the only intrinsic good, and it override amongst every existing value. Just a step away from entering the city of Troy, Mars has became more and more aesthetically excited, he just can’t wait to rescue Helena.

After a long day of battle, the glorious victor laid down next to his goddess, Helen. He wanted to have a touch of evil with Helen. However, Helen has not only refused Mars’s obscene demand, but also being sarcastic about his behavior. The God of War would never tolerate this such of insult. He respond to Helen’s insult by a vigorous slap, a streaks of blood was instantly bleeding out from her lips. Throughout Helen’s childhood, she has been the Apple of everyone’s eye. As a matter of fact, this level of indignity has lead Helen into committing suicide. She bites her own tongue off, then gradually turns into a glimpse of light, and heading toward the city of sky. Here from, she has became the Star of the death and symbolized the resentment of Mars. Although Mars was regretful on his own action, it only last for a short period of time. He obviously didn’t learn a lesson from the death of Helen, and ever since, the howl and squeal of others have became the only pleasure of the God of War. Ultimately ,the mean of love has destroyed and captivated the insight and freedom of every female on earth.

- Concept :
There are many women have been a chronic victim of domestic violence, but they are too constrained by traditional, cultural, and religious practices, as well as family commitments. Traditional practice has given an significant impact on making more women to be on board with the idea of fatalism: Women are responsible for their own manner, and we shall never misbehaved in front of others. There is a legitimate grievances on women, but we’ve chosen to endure it since we all believe that one day the inflicter would finally recognized his own mistake. The perspective of women has also been influenced by some religious practices. In result, our society regarded single parents and single parents as a complete disgrace, and therefore making women harder to leave their family even when they were abused by their husband. There are some victims chose to believe that those abusive actions is a sign of love and care, and also too worry to face the tremendous changed in life. They end up tolerating these abusive action and lived with it.


The one who without a name.

One who only embrace to the past is different from the pure darkness, One who dressed with the color of dark which has gone through by times, undergone the bloody war and withstand under the infinite darkness, His duty is to opposed discriminations and promote equality. One has no name, no stand, no bias. Could be me, as well as you. It is all of us, and by the end of the day, it all comes back into the principle of human nature.

The concept of creation:
Since my childhood, I’ve been frequently asked to follow the traditional manner that every women should behaved. There was a time I closed my door loudly, and because of the noise was deemed as an improper manner, my dad slapped me on the face angrily, and solded at me saying I should never behave like a man. Perhaps I’m his first child, he has a higher expectation on me than my younger brother. However, I was also equally emotion as he does, probably because of my childhood experience, accordingly, I’ve often been punished violently by my father. The impression of him during my youth was vague, from being violently punish to his busy working schedule.

To be completely honest, I’d be lying if I tell you I’ve never thought about killing my father after getting beat by him. However, I understand he shouldn’t be held accountable for being an authoritative parent. Nonetheless, my staunchness has been sharpened throughout the years of punishment. Remembering there was a time I got a black eye from getting punch in the face by my father, but when people started to question about my wound, I faithfully covered for my dad. This kind of experience are so unforgettable, but I overcome the bad impact that was given by these experience. More importantly, I have learnt to forgive. I can’t denied his abusive behavior has given me a bad impact in my teenage time, but I understand his intention and I’m genuinely love him as a father, in the same way of loving God.

After became an adult, I’m being more considerate and understanding about their difficulties of being someone’s parents, or maybe my dad was too worry my loud personality might prevent me from becoming a successful person, and therefore he was being so harsh to me. However, due to the mistreat from the past, I often afraid of being lonely, and considerate myself don’t have a strong family ties to my parents. Accordingly, I put most of my attention and energy into my personal feeling, just like the image of God, we shall always be faithful to our parents, even they abused my right.

Never measured about the amount of stress and anxiety that I have beared throughout my childhood. After my heart has been torn by my parents again, I was lost again. This time I undergone a lot of gossips and politics in the flow of life, and from it I realized my obsession could be traced back to one phenomenon, which is the inequality that take places between genders, especially when someone told me that since I’m female, there is something that I shouldn’t do. These perceptions has made me sick, and changed my perspective on men and the society that I belongs to.

As time has gone by, I became more open minded when I talk about sexism. Through self-examination, I began to realized we’re all the same. Gender, love, and hatred do not separate one being from another. We’re all created equally. By this sense, we should let go with our own bias and hold on to the principle of equality. Unlike the traditional trinity, I’ve given a new definition of my own trinity. This triangle symbolized the process of self-consciousness in gender, and it demonstrated the connection between three examples that I have mentioned previously.

1.The image of God: bearing excessive amount of stress and withstand discrimination from:
- The king of night : The concept of emotion.
- Mars : The concept of family ties.
- Faun : The concept of society.


2.Via Dolorosa : Resistance.

3.Executioner: Reaching the equi
librium, and placing other’s interests beyond yourself.

Thus, the only way to understand the concept of equilibrium and stay away from our self bias is to overcome the challenges of love and hatred through the journey of life, as well as having the capacity to understand the reflection from both Via Dolorosa and The image of God.

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