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How to drink lyrics 


Caffeine poisoning fuck out of my mind.
Shaking hands holding on Jesus wine. 
Hit the railing by out of focus skateboard eye.  
Cup said I'm fighting in a rude way high.

Bandits cluster throw up together.
Lost sun glass and my chastity on stage, fuck!
Make god of lose for equipment broke, forgot my wallet in the bar place.
Wake up with pee's print on my half pants pull.

Fuck off! I put out cigar with my tongue.
Fuck off! Side swept with shoe cream.
Fuck off! Wine full better pees me out.
Fuck off! Biggest bladder without toilet.

P.O.lice pig fuck out of my way.
This is our rock n road.
None your business ass. 
P.O.lice pig you better don't touch me.
Drink with washbasin, I bet you don't dare tonight.
Jerk you pick or fight? 


Story(outline) :
The Taiwanese indie-music "The Roadside Inn- How To Drink" is a symbol of younger subculture people's life in Taipei city. 

To translate lyrics by myself to show why we shoot this video represent emotion of lyrics.   



I set this scene in a restroom with creepy style in the beginning and put a neon into toilet to build the atmosphere. 
As we can see, there were many horseshoe in everywhere which is the logo of this band.
So I printed a lot of stickers of wide range of band to put them together.

In this scene, we borrowed an empty basement and moved a table and sofa here to started.  
For build up the puckish ambience, I drew some graffiti on the sofa and made those wall decorations more casual and shabby as a symbol of the lyrics attitude. Meanwhile, I want to made more layers of this scene.

 simulations of this scene.

Music Video - The Roadside Inn- How to drink < 2017 >

Art director Set design-

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