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We divided into two groups. My partner and me lead different members to begin our project from the first step and color modulation to composition. Then, we didn’t interrupt them and ask them draw it without our helps. This experience is so difficult to forget for us.

Powerpoint -

When we studied in high schools, we almost sit a seat for courses from to Actually, nobody can totally concentrate on the courses in a whole day. That is my all memories for high school life. Therefore, for attracting them, we turned the tedious classes into games during the progress.


a great culinary school, have always insisted on offering diversified and various education for their students. Due to their school buildings are old, we feel excited when we got an announcement about they were going to rebuild their campus. So we made a proposal to them: < OSOM - one school one mural > is the name of activity. For this, there set up a course for two mouths. The distributed assignment of school is two

walls of gym that we can paint on it . Then we started to our work for the following two months.

- Short Course 2015 -

To encourage the people who likes to paint without experience


- Main Course -

My friends and I used to whinged chaos of advertising in Taiwan. The chaos will make city become ugly. Finally, we figure out that we have to stop complaining and make changes. So our conclusion is that drawing painting will be more accessible and easier than others. That is a great way to achieve our goal. Due to I draw a lot of compositions before, we decide to solve the problem immediately.

50% of drawing practice and painted mural
20% of discussion about method 
20% of elementary theory of aesthetic and design
10% of leaning from games


By sharing the aesthetic consciousness,we hope kids who didn’t have any painting experience can try their best to draw some painting or mural to decorate environment and cherish our resources. Therefore, we designed a series of games and courses:

Separate them into three groups and give each student a paper to draw their own, but we need blent these painting into a coherent completed comic painting.

< learn team cooperation
and the coherence of pictures >

After those learning, they have a great embryo of composition, we ask them to print it

out and try to fill it by using different colors.

< coloration skills>

 To draw out the process of baking bread, then discuss if everyone thinking in the ways?

< brainstorming, leave without bias, open mind and try to accept others idea >


Give them a photo with a blank space of part and let students to graffito

< imagination and dream big >

The high school students have their own opinions. They just five years younger than me and my partners, we are almost in the same range of age. It is hard to attract them in our teaching progress. At the beginning, some of them didn’t want to join us at all. But we tried to treat them as friends, we got along well with students gradually.

Differ from other schools, they are good at training student’s opening mind and independence. Once they find some problem, they must discuss it directly. Sometimes, we talk about the composition until Everyone is tired, but it should be worth because they devoted themselves into our learning.


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