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- Picture Book -

read in both normal or opposite side.

- If I Could Fly we can start from normal <left side> and read in black words.
- If I Can Fly we can start from opposite <right side> and read in blue words.

Concept : ​

Different decision effects different result. My faith is help readers to bring hope and confidence, so I drew this book. In two different versions, I spelled capital of dad and mom in “If I could fly” to represent they are pressure of protagonist. On the contrary, to spelled capital of grandpa in “If I can fly” to show how he supports to our protagonist. They are similar in the content, but Ryan used different mentalities to face those problems and influences his whole life.

In the other hand, the pencil and stationery can fly in this painting book. It represents Ryan wants to be an artist or creator “alluding my study process. In Eastern education, people hold an idea that there is no prospect to study art and design.” To fly in the sky is a symbol that our hobbies could be our jobs or even can help people in the future.

I have done this painting book in 2008, while I was preparing for my entrance examination. I felt a lot of pressure from parents and society as they expected. But my major is fine art and design. It is hard to achieve their expectation. In that time, I imaged to fly away from those realities and I can do everything which I want. After two years, the famous company of making animation - Pixar has made a similar film about an old man using many balloons to chase the dream of him and his wife. To inspire everyone doesn’t lose their hope. I think it is too hypocritical to use words in the first person to describe these things. So it is a good idea to convert them into images. I hope I can use my ability of art and design to be the power which can warm others in the future.


In fact, I have finished this painting book in 2016 for another version. I reedited again, because I appreciate that I’m still walking on the same way which is my initial dream as five years ago.
It is the same with the concept of this painting book.

For me, the creation is not necessary to complete at a moment. Sometimes it must be accumulated through time and experience.

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