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- Lying and the candle which was extinguish represent their love. Maybe they have, maybe not.

 - Putting a burning candle in the middle means they are bemoaning for their relationship.

The River - Lyrics
by:  ACHAU

他說了一句再見 He said goodbye to me,

在我們相遇地點 in the place we met before.

生命是不斷告別 Life is filled with farewells

再勇敢迎接明天 be brave for our tomorrow.

你的臉 刻劃曾擁有的那一天 Your face carries its own experience.

留不下的那瘋狂的歲月從不曾虧欠 哪個誰 We never owe anyone in those days we couldn’t stay.

把今晚圍成圈  Let’s gather together tonight.

踏著時光節奏 With our old and good time.

雙腳隨它擺動 牽起手 So let's raise a glass and I’ll hold your hand

在生命長河中 In the long river of life

感謝你的停泊 Really glad that you were here.

我們終將重逢 在大海的盡頭 Reunion at the end of ocean, finally


親愛的好久不見 My dear, i haven’t seen you for a long time.

想像中你很耀眼 You’re brighter than the sun in my memory.

我們重逢的那天 Don’t know where
會是在什麼地點 we will met in next time.


啦啦啦啦啦 這是我們的歌 lalalalalala it’s our song

我們一起唱和 We can singing together.

啦啦啦啦啦 唱著這一首歌 lalalalala while we sing this song

沒有誰是寂寞 no one feels lonely any more.


沒有誰是寂寞。no one feels lonely any more.

Set design-

Music Video - The river  < 2013 >

Outline: It start from flashback to introduce our opening. Everyone reunite together like nothing happened on surface. But all of them have their own story with love and hate.

To translate lyrics by myself to show why we shoot this video to represent emotion of lyrics.   

Back to the last part of scene, they seems happy because they finally bravely face to themselves and turn a new page.

Taipei, what a complicated place.In fact, big cities seems like small. Every resident is familiar with each other.When we were young, we have no idea how to deal these emotional problem. When everything has been through, it became a beautiful memory in our heart. And we all like a smell river , end up influx into the ocean.

In this opening, calligraphy was wrote by myself. The two words means “long river”, I wrote it long and slender to cut off our connection between each other. then enclose all in a circle. It is represent “reunion” in Chinese culture.

In this scene, I made a mistake.
Because I don’t have any experience, I don’t even know whether I can really control. What a pity! I did not paint a painting for this actor as a stage property. I think the defective element in this music video is all about this painting, which was borrow in temporary.


After watching the script, I think it seems not enough that only two scenes for talking about this complex. So i recommend to add this “ lying down” scene to show our viewers about their love affair.

< This is my first experience to join in video crew. It is impressive and useful for me. Also I learned a lot from it. Hope I can get more opportunities. >  

I want to use feathers to make this “cuff ” stronger and abundant,because this girl found out that her boy

friend has been cheated on her. Her heart is broken, but she don’t really wants to hurt him at all. Because she knew he is more painful inside. So I used “soft explosion’’ to create a contrast with cuff.

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